What Is The Standard Warranty Provided With Your Robotic Systems?

What Is The Standard Warranty Provided With Your Robotic Systems?

Robots​.com’ full war­ran­ty is one of its chief ben­e­fits. The war­ran­ty peri­od begins the day the equip­ment ships to the end user. We offer one year in-ser­vice war­ranties on all robots and robot part sales.

What Is the Stan­dard War­ran­ty for Robots and Robot Parts?

At T.I.E., cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is para­mount, and our stan­dard war­ran­ty ensures you receive depend­able sup­port for new and refur­bished robots, motors, and elec­tron­ic parts. Our war­ran­ty pol­i­cy includes com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age and prompt replace­ment, giv­ing you peace of mind.

War­ran­ty Details:

  1. New and Refur­bished FANUC Motors, Dri­ves, and Electronics:

    • Cov­ered by a 1‑year In-Ser­vice Warranty.
    • Includes com­pre­hen­sive pro­tec­tion for man­u­fac­tur­ing defects or faults dur­ing nor­mal operation.
  2. Repaired FANUC Ser­vo Motors, Spin­dle Motors, and Electronics:

    • Backed by a 1‑year In-Ser­vice War­ran­ty for the parts and labor per­formed by T.I.E.
    • All repaired elec­tron­ics must be returned for war­ran­ty evaluation.

War­ran­ty Replace­ment Policy:

  • Fail­ures With­in First 90 Days:

    • Imme­di­ate replace­ment is avail­able, with return ship­ment includ­ed if the orig­i­nal ship­ment was via a com­mon carrier.
    • Spe­cial ship­ments and inter­na­tion­al orders are excluded.
    • War­ran­ty replace­ments are con­tin­gent on stock availability.
    • Cus­tomers must return the faulty part with­in 14 days of receiv­ing the replace­ment to qual­i­fy for war­ran­ty cred­it. If the part is not returned, the cus­tomer will be charged.
  • Returns and Eval­u­a­tion:
    Once the part is returned for eval­u­a­tion, T.I.E. will either:

    a) Con­firm a Valid War­ran­ty Fault:

    • Cred­it the full pur­chase price plus ship­ping if a 90-day replace­ment part was charged.

    b) No Prob­lem Found (NPF):

    • The cus­tomer is respon­si­ble for restock­ing charges. If the cus­tomer requests the return of an NPF part, they will incur a rush test fee and ship­ping costs.

    c) Fault Not Cov­ered Under Warranty:

    • Cus­tomers can choose to repair the part or purchase/​exchange it if applicable.

War­ran­ty Sup­port After 90 Days:

  • For the remain­der of the 1‑year war­ran­ty peri­od, T.I.E. will repair or replace any defec­tive parts or cor­rect improp­er­ly per­formed repair work, or refund the pur­chase price.
  • Buy­ers must con­tact T.I.E. to receive a Return Mer­chan­dise Autho­riza­tion num­ber and return the part to T.I.E.‘s location.
  • Prop­er pack­ag­ing and ship­ment of defec­tive parts are the buy­er’s responsibility.
  • If a war­ran­ty issue is con­firmed and the cus­tomer pro­vides ship­ping doc­u­men­ta­tion, T.I.E. will refund ship­ping costs.
  • T.I.E. reserves the right to use new or used parts for repair or replace­ment and claims own­er­ship of replaced parts.

For any war­ran­ty con­cerns or ques­tions about your spe­cif­ic war­ran­ty cov­er­age, please con­tact our team at T.I.E. for assistance.