What Are The Advantages Of Buying Reconditioned Robots?

What Are the Advantages of Buying Reconditioned Robots?

Reconditioned Robot Benefits

What Are the Advan­tages of Buy­ing Recon­di­tioned Robots?

Buy­ing inte­gra­tion-ready recon­di­tioned robots pro­vides all the ben­e­fits of new robot­ic sys­tems at a sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced cost. By work­ing with a trust­ed inte­gra­tor with a reli­able recon­di­tion­ing process, you can ensure con­sis­tent per­for­mance and quality.

Key Advan­tages of Recon­di­tioned Robots:

  1. Sig­nif­i­cant Sav­ings:
    Recon­di­tioned robots can save cus­tomers up to 50% com­pared to pur­chas­ing new mod­els. With low­er upfront cap­i­tal costs, you achieve a faster return on invest­ment (ROI) while main­tain­ing excel­lent value.
  2. Imme­di­ate Avail­abil­i­ty:
    If you need to replace a robot with the same mod­el, recon­di­tioned robots offer seam­less inte­gra­tion into your pro­duc­tion line with min­i­mal down­time. Your team will already be famil­iar with the tech­nol­o­gy, reduc­ing or elim­i­nat­ing train­ing time. More­over, new robot deliv­ery times can be lengthy, but we have a vast inven­to­ry of in-stock recon­di­tioned robots ready for imme­di­ate instal­la­tion and programming.
  3. Proven Reli­a­bil­i­ty:
    Pay­ing less does not mean sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty. When refur­bished by a rep­utable provider like Robots​.com, these sys­tems are restored to like-new con­di­tion through a com­pre­hen­sive inspec­tion and recon­di­tion­ing process. Our inten­sive repeata­bil­i­ty test­ing ensures each robot meets or exceeds OEM specifications.
  4. Com­pre­hen­sive Sup­port:
    Main­te­nance and repairs are more straight­for­ward with recon­di­tioned robots because tech­ni­cians are already famil­iar with their oper­a­tion. Replace­ment parts are also more acces­si­ble and afford­able through sup­pli­ers like Robots​.com.

Why Choose Robots​.com for Recon­di­tioned Robots?

  • With over 35 years of expe­ri­ence, Robots​.com has estab­lished long-stand­ing rela­tion­ships with cus­tomers due to our high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts. We per­form all refur­bish­ing in-house, pass­ing the sav­ings direct­ly to you.
  • Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about our recon­di­tioned and new indus­tri­al robots? Con­tact us or call us at 8777626881 for detailed infor­ma­tion and pricing.
  • Have refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment to sell? Robots​.com buys refur­bished robots and parts. Fill out our request form to receive a com­pet­i­tive bid!