What Are My Robot Options Based On Maximum Reach?

What Are My Robot Options Based On Maximum Reach?

What Robot Options Are Avail­able Based on Max­i­mum Reach?

Robot reach, the dis­tance from the robot’s cen­ter to the ful­ly extend­ed robot­ic arm, deter­mines a robot­’s work enve­lope and influ­ences its abil­i­ty to han­dle tasks across vary­ing dis­tances. Under­stand­ing your appli­ca­tion require­ments and select­ing the appro­pri­ate robot reach is cru­cial for opti­mal performance.

Using Max­i­mum Reach to Choose the Right Robot

Robots​.com sim­pli­fies find­ing the best robot by offer­ing a com­pre­hen­sive Robot Find­er Tool on our home­page and man­u­fac­tur­er pages. This tool helps you fil­ter and com­pare robots based on their max­i­mum reach and pay­load capac­i­ty, allow­ing you to quick­ly iden­ti­fy which robot mod­els meet your spe­cif­ic needs.

Max­i­mum Reach Across Robot Brands

  • Fanuc:
    Fanuc’s longest-reach robot extends up to 4684mm.
  • Motoman:
    Motoman’s longest-reach robot achieves a reach of 4004mm.
  • ABB:
    ABB offers a robot with a max­i­mum reach of 4200mm.
  • KUKA:
    KUKA’s longest-reach robot can span up to 3500mm.

Get­ting Expert Sup­port for Robot Reach

Our tech­ni­cal sup­port staff is ready to help you find the ide­al robot based on your appli­ca­tion’s unique require­ments. Each robot mod­el varies in reach, and we can help you deter­mine which one will opti­mize your workflow.

Con­tact Us Today

Have ques­tions about the best robot reach for your appli­ca­tion? Con­tact our tech­ni­cal sup­port line at 8777626881. We’re here to help you choose the right robot­ic solu­tion for your needs!