How Is Different From Other Robot Companies?

How Is Different from Other Robot Companies?

How Is Robots​.com Dif­fer­ent from Oth­er Robot Companies?

Cus­tomers con­sis­tent­ly choose Robots​.com because of our unwa­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion to pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts and tai­lored sys­tems. Our track record includes thou­sands of suc­cess­ful robot inte­gra­tions, reflect­ing our excel­lent crafts­man­ship, afford­abil­i­ty, and top-notch sup­port. With a large inven­to­ry and robust engi­neer­ing capa­bil­i­ties, we can cus­tomize a wide vari­ety of robot­ic applications.

Unique Advan­tages of Robots​.com

  1. Reli­able Part­ner­ship:
    Our strong rela­tion­ships with both cus­tomers and lead­ing robot man­u­fac­tur­ers val­i­date our cred­i­bil­i­ty and empow­er us to deliv­er excep­tion­al prod­ucts and sup­port. These affil­i­a­tions ensure that we can offer unmatched reliability.
  2. Wide Selec­tion of Brands:
    We offer indus­tri­al robots from top brands like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA, giv­ing cus­tomers an exten­sive selec­tion to choose from. Our team pro­vides expert guid­ance to help you select the best solu­tion for a quick return on investment.
  3. Com­pre­hen­sive Refur­bish­ment:
    Our refur­bish­ment and recon­di­tion­ing process is metic­u­lous. Beyond clean­ing and repaint­ing, we con­duct a thor­ough over­haul to replace faulty com­po­nents and ensure opti­mal func­tion­al­i­ty. Every robot under­goes repeata­bil­i­ty test­ing to meet OEM spec­i­fi­ca­tions, ensur­ing inte­gra­tion-ready deliv­ery with min­i­mal downtime.
  4. Out­stand­ing Ser­vice and Sup­port:
    Our com­mit­ment extends beyond the sale, with expert tech­ni­cians ready to assist with repairs or replace­ments. We offer com­pli­men­ta­ry tech sup­port, a one-year in-ser­vice war­ran­ty, and com­pre­hen­sive phone sup­port for all systems.
  5. Proven Expe­ri­ence:
    With over 35 years of expe­ri­ence in deliv­er­ing robot­ic sys­tems across North Amer­i­ca, our exper­tise ensures a smoother selec­tion and inte­gra­tion process than oth­er integrators.

Con­tact us today or call 8777626881 to explore our afford­able robot sys­tems and see how we can enhance your automa­tion needs!