How Does Evaluate My Robot?

How Does Evaluate My Robot?

What Steps Does Robots​.com Take to Eval­u­ate My Robot?

A robot eval­u­a­tion is an impor­tant step in deter­min­ing the val­ue of a refur­bished robot. When you con­tact Robots​.com about sell­ing a robot, each robot sys­tem is eval­u­at­ed for top dol­lar pur­chase. The robot is eval­u­at­ed based on the con­di­tion of the robot manip­u­la­tor and the con­trol cabinet.

Robot Evaluation by

Ini­tial ques­tions about your indus­tri­al robot:

  • The age of the equipment
  • The mod­el series and the con­troller model
  • The pre­vi­ous use of the robot and main­te­nance record
  • The length of time in production
  • The work­ing state and avail­abil­i­ty of parts
  • The cur­rent mar­ket demand for that robot model
  • The flex­i­bil­i­ty of the robot system

A robot­’s val­ue is increased when it includes:

  • Func­tion­ing teach pen­dant with no damage
  • Full set of ser­vo amps
  • All cir­cuit boards in the controller
  • Intact cables
  • Com­plete wiring harnesses

Items that reduce the val­ue of a refur­bished robot include:

  • Miss­ing or dam­aged motors and encoders
  • Incom­plete wire harness
  • Miss­ing cov­ers from the robot arm
  • Can­non con­nec­tions cracked or broken

Robot Manip­u­la­tor Assess­ment Points:

  • Gen­er­al functionality
  • Pres­ence and con­di­tion of all motors and encoders
  • Com­plete­ness of the inter­nal wire harness
  • Pres­ence of the cov­ers on the arm
  • Con­di­tion of the can­non con­nec­tors on the back of the arm

Con­trol Cab­i­net Assess­ment Points:

  • Avail­abil­i­ty and con­di­tion of the teach pendant
  • Sta­tus of the ser­vo amps
  • Pres­ence of all cir­cuit boards
  • Phys­i­cal con­di­tion of the cables that con­nect to the robot
  • Com­plete­ness of the wire harnesses

The final val­ue of the robot is deter­mined, in large part, by these items. It is also impor­tant to note if the robot was in work­ing con­di­tion when it was removed from ser­vice and approx­i­mate­ly how many hours it was in service.

We will pro­vide a bid on a refur­bished robot based on these fac­tors dur­ing our check­list eval­u­a­tion. If your robot is sat­is­fac­to­ry based on this check­list, it will get top dol­lar from Robots​.com.

Check out the robot brands we buy, and if you would like to sell us your refur­bished robot, please con­tact us or call 8777626881.