How Do I Ship My Robot?

How Do I Ship My Robot?

How to Ship Your Robot: A Com­pre­hen­sive Guide

Ship­ping a robot involves fol­low­ing spe­cif­ic guide­lines to ensure safe trans­port and pre­vent dam­age. Robots​.com is here to guide you through the process and help you max­i­mize the val­ue of your refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment. Here’s how to prop­er­ly pack and ship your robot:

Guide­lines for Safe Robot Shipping:

  1. Mount Equip­ment Secure­ly on Skids or Crates:
    • Place all equip­ment on skids or in crates, ensur­ing noth­ing extends beyond the edge.
    • Bolt the robot arm to the skid to avoid dam­age from strapping.
    • Strap or band the con­troller secure­ly to the skid with­out plac­ing straps over the con­troller door.
  2. Posi­tion the Robot Arm Safely:
    • Place the robot arm in a squat­ted posi­tion to min­i­mize movement.
  3. Secure the Teach Pendant:
    • Wrap the teach pen­dant in bub­ble wrap and place it inside the con­troller or in a box attached to the skid.
  4. Han­dle Cables Carefully:
    • Dis­con­nect all cables between the arm and the con­troller. Wrap them around the base of the con­troller or place them on top of the con­troller, then secure them to the skid.
    • Nev­er cut cables dur­ing the ship­ping process.
  5. Shrink-Wrap and Pro­tect Items:
    • Shrink-wrap the entire skid to pro­tect equip­ment from the ele­ments and oth­er poten­tial damage.
  6. Box Acces­sories and Manuals:
    • Place acces­sories like man­u­als in a secure box and attach them to the skid.
  7. Ensure Upright Placement:
    • Make sure the equip­ment remains upright and secure­ly posi­tioned in the ship­ping trailer.
    • Use tarps for addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion when load­ing equip­ment onto flatbed trucks.
  8. Pho­to­graph Equip­ment Before Shipment:
    • Take pho­tos of all equip­ment loaded for ship­ping as a record of its con­di­tion before leav­ing your facility.

If you have any ques­tions about ship­ping your robot or need addi­tion­al assis­tance, con­tact the Robots​.com acqui­si­tions depart­ment at 8777626881. We’re here to help you nav­i­gate the ship­ping process with ease.