Does Refurbish Robotic Systems?

Does Refurbish Robotic Systems?

T.I.E. Indus­tri­al: Your Source for Refur­bished Robot­ic Systems

Inter­est­ed in sav­ing up to 50% on your next robot pur­chase? Robots​.com refur­bish­es used indus­tri­al robots, extend­ing their life and restor­ing the integri­ty of the robot. All refur­bished indus­tri­al robots are put through a rig­or­ous refur­bish­ing process, offer­ing a more afford­able option with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty. This is the ben­e­fit of buy­ing an Inte­gra­tion-Ready robot from Robots​.com

Robots​.com spe­cial­izes in com­plete­ly over­haul­ing refur­bished robot sys­tems from the top man­u­fac­tur­ers and return­ing them to full work­ing con­di­tion. We offer excel­lent sav­ings on used Fanuc, Motoman, ABB and KUKA robots. 

Why Choose Robots​.com for Refur­bished Indus­tri­al Robots?

  1. Com­pre­hen­sive Over­haul: Our team spe­cial­izes in over­haul­ing robot sys­tems from lead­ing brands like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA, return­ing them to opti­mal work­ing con­di­tion while offer­ing sub­stan­tial savings.
  2. Detailed Inspec­tion: Every robot under­goes a com­pre­hen­sive inspec­tion that includes the manip­u­la­tor and con­trol cab­i­net. We metic­u­lous­ly check the health and qual­i­ty of each component.
  3. Replace­ment of Faulty Equip­ment: Any faulty or worn equip­ment is prompt­ly replaced to ensure peak performance.
  4. Thor­ough Test­ing: Each sys­tem is rig­or­ous­ly test­ed to ver­i­fy repeata­bil­i­ty and reliability.
  5. Dry Ice Clean­ing & Paint­ing: Our dry ice clean­ing process pre­serves the integri­ty of robot­ic parts, and we apply fresh paint for a like-new finish.
  6. Lubri­ca­tion: All gears and axes receive new grease and lubri­ca­tion, ensur­ing smooth operation.

With all these steps, our inte­gra­tion-ready robots pro­vide unmatched reli­a­bil­i­ty, qual­i­ty, and cost sav­ings for your automa­tion needs.

Get Start­ed with Robots​.com

Ready to explore our range of refur­bished robot sys­tems or sell us a sys­tem for refur­bish­ment? Con­tact our sales depart­ment at 8777626881 for inquiries or speak with an acqui­si­tions spe­cial­ist to sell your sys­tem. Save big on high-qual­i­ty inte­gra­tion-ready robots from Robots​.com today!