Does Buy Or Sell Used Robots?

Does Buy Or Sell Used Robots?

Yes, Robots​.com spe­cial­izes in buy­ing and sell­ing used robots to help busi­ness­es access high-qual­i­ty, cost-effec­tive automa­tion solu­tions. How­ev­er, we take it a step fur­ther with our Inte­gra­tion-Ready Refur­bish­ment Process, pro­vid­ing a prod­uct that meets or exceeds OEM stan­dards for reli­a­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance at an afford­able price, result­ing in a faster return on investment.

Sell­ing Inte­gra­tion-Ready Refur­bished Robots

  1. Qual­i­ty-Focused Refur­bish­ment Process:
    Every robot that pass­es through our refur­bish­ment process is sub­ject­ed to a rig­or­ous, mul­ti-point check­list. This includes inspect­ing and restor­ing har­mon­ic dri­ves and belt assem­blies, com­pre­hen­sive clean­ing and lubri­ca­tion, and replac­ing worn com­po­nents. Our team also thor­ough­ly eval­u­ates bat­tery per­for­mance, wire har­ness­es, and bear­ings to iden­ti­fy and address any poten­tial issues.
  2. OEM Stan­dards Test­ing:
    All refur­bished robots are test­ed under load and ver­i­fied to meet or exceed OEM spec­i­fi­ca­tions, ensur­ing reli­able per­for­mance. This metic­u­lous test­ing allows us to deliv­er inte­gra­tion-ready robots that pro­vide quick­er returns on invest­ment and a smooth deploy­ment into your automa­tion workflow.
  3. Vast Inven­to­ry of Top Brands:
    We car­ry an exten­sive selec­tion of used robots from lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers like Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, and ABB. Our inven­to­ry is con­tin­u­al­ly updat­ed, giv­ing busi­ness­es a wide range of options tai­lored to var­i­ous indus­try appli­ca­tions. Our expe­ri­enced sales team can help guide you in choos­ing the right robot sys­tem for your unique needs.
  4. Expert Sup­port and War­ran­ty:
    All our refur­bished robots come with com­pre­hen­sive tech­ni­cal sup­port and war­ranties, ensur­ing you receive the best val­ue and per­for­mance from your purchase.

Inter­est­ed in Buy­ing Refur­bished Robots?

If you’re look­ing to add reli­able refur­bished robots to your automa­tion line­up, con­tact our sales depart­ment at 8777626881. Our experts are ready to dis­cuss your spe­cif­ic require­ments and find the ide­al solution.

Do You Have Used Robots to Sell?

Robots​.com is always on the look­out for used robots to add to our inven­to­ry. We offer com­pet­i­tive pric­ing for pre-owned robots and robot­ic parts used in indus­tri­al automa­tion. Whether you’re upgrad­ing or no longer need your cur­rent sys­tems, con­tact our acqui­si­tions spe­cial­ist at 8777626881 to get a fair eval­u­a­tion. We are ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing you max­i­mize the val­ue of your used robot­ic systems.

Whether you’re buy­ing or sell­ing, Robots​.com is your com­pre­hen­sive resource for used indus­tri­al robots. Our exper­tise in refur­bish­ment and ded­i­ca­tion to qual­i­ty help us stand out in deliv­er­ing inte­gra­tion-ready robots that offer excel­lent per­for­mance and afford­abil­i­ty. Reach out today to see how we can assist you!