Do You Buy Surplus Robots?

Do You Buy Surplus Robots?

Does T.I.E. Buy Sur­plus Robots?

Yes, T.I.E. buys sur­plus robots to refur­bish and rein­te­grate them into the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try, ensur­ing that you receive top dol­lar for your sur­plus equip­ment. Our acqui­si­tions depart­ment is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice, cov­er­ing ship­ment costs, and fol­low­ing spe­cif­ic eval­u­a­tion cri­te­ria to assess and offer a fair price for your robot­ic assets.

Why Sell Your Sur­plus Robots to T.I.E.?

  1. Direct Cus­tomer Ser­vice:
    We work close­ly with you to under­stand your equip­ment and ensure a smooth sell­ing process. Our team is here to address any con­cerns and pro­vide guid­ance throughout.
  2. Top Dol­lar Offers:
    We strive to offer com­pet­i­tive rates for sur­plus robots that match our cri­te­ria, ensur­ing you receive a fair val­ue for your equipment.
  3. Ship­ment Cov­er­age:
    T.I.E. takes care of ship­ment logis­tics, reduc­ing your has­sle and pro­vid­ing peace of mind dur­ing the transaction.
Surplus robots

What Leads to Sur­plus Robots?

  • Tech­no­log­i­cal Upgrades:
    Old­er robots may be replaced by new­er mod­els with advanced fea­tures, leav­ing the old­er units as surplus.
  • Plant Clo­sures or Con­sol­i­da­tions:
    When facil­i­ties shut down or merge, sur­plus robot­ic equip­ment can build up.
  • Prod­uct Changes:
    A shift in man­u­fac­tur­ing strat­e­gy can ren­der spe­cif­ic robots redundant.

Our Eval­u­a­tion Process

The T.I.E. acqui­si­tions team eval­u­ates sur­plus robots based on pro­duc­tion his­to­ry, age, and pri­mar­i­ly the con­di­tion of the manip­u­la­tor and con­trol cab­i­net. We pur­chase sur­plus robots across var­i­ous brands, ensur­ing the refur­bish­ment process aligns with our rig­or­ous standards.

Con­tact T.I.E. Today

If you have sur­plus robots to sell, con­tact T.I.E. at 8777626881 or sub­mit your robot­’s details through our online form. We will be hap­py to eval­u­ate your equip­ment and offer a com­pet­i­tive price!