Can Replace My Teach Pendant?

Need a replace­ment teach pen­dant for your robot, and fast? No need to wor­ry, we are here to help. Our large, mul­ti-brand inven­to­ry pro­vides more robot part options, includ­ing teach pen­dants, at low­er prices. We know that wires get ran over and pen­dants get dropped. Robots​.com will be hap­py to assist in find­ing you a new or recon­di­tioned teach pendant. 

Robot Teach Pendants

A teach pen­dant is a hand­held device that is used with a robot con­troller to move, pro­gram, and run indus­tri­al robots. It nor­mal­ly has a dis­play, key­pad, and an emer­gency stop switch. The pro­gram­ming lan­guage varies with man­u­fac­tur­er and con­troller mod­el, but sev­er­al new­er teach pen­dants have a Win­dows-like set­up for easy use.

The robot tech­ni­cians at Robots​.com will help you find a replace­ment teach pen­dant. Request a quote on a teach pen­dant, or call the ser­vice depart­ment at 8777626881.