Our Favorite Week of the Year!

Mar 27, 2016

The National Robotics Week helps to bring all ages and people together across the country to celebrate robotics. This week will help to promote the current and future societal impacts of automation. The National Robotics Week will also hopefully help encourage more youth to become involved as more jobs in robotics will be opening in the future.

At Robots​.com, we cel­e­brate robots 365 days a year, how­ev­er, this upcom­ing week is our very favorite hol­i­day; it is Nation­al Robot­ics Week! On April 2 – 10, peo­ple of all ages get togeth­er across the coun­try to hon­or robots with fun events and activ­i­ties. This week enables demon­stra­tion of how advan­ta­geous and imper­a­tive robots are to every part of our rapid­ly advanc­ing cul­ture.

Cel­e­brat­ing robots for an entire week each year pro­motes pub­lic edu­ca­tion on the cur­rent and future soci­etal impacts of automa­tion. For instance, it is esti­mat­ed that 1.3 mil­lion indus­tri­al robots will be arriv­ing in fac­to­ries world­wide by 2018. These num­bers alone are proof that robots are quick­ly spread­ing to all appli­ca­tions. We hope that these facts also ignite new fund­ing inter­ests to aid inno­v­a­tive research and fur­ther devel­op­ment of robot­ic technology.

A full week of nation-wide cel­e­bra­tions also allows us to reflect on our country’s accom­plish­ments and stand proud as the cur­rent leader in robot­ics tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment. America’s hard work and ded­i­ca­tion to the robot­ics indus­try is reflect­ed in that fact that the robot orders have increased by 14% in units and 11% in dol­lars since 2014. In addi­tion, ship­ments are up by 10% in units and 9% in dol­lars. There are an esti­mat­ed 260,000 robots being used in fac­to­ries across Amer­i­ca, rank­ing the US 3rd to Japan and Chi­na; this is most def­i­nite­ly some­thing to celebrate!

Most impor­tant­ly, dur­ing this week, we hope to inspire chil­dren to chase careers in robot­ics or relat­ed sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, engi­neer­ing and/​or math-relat­ed fields. It is our wish that this week is the gate­way to observ­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of robot­ics and learn­ing how to become future advo­cates in career fields for automa­tion. Con­trary to some people’s beliefs, the robot­ic indus­try is actu­al­ly cre­at­ing new jobs and cor­re­lat­ing to a decrease in unem­ploy­ment. Indus­tri­al robot­ics are open­ing up many job oppor­tu­ni­ties for engi­neers, tech­ni­cians, project man­agers, sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives, cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives, mar­ket­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives, accoun­tants, and more.

We are so proud of the robot­ics advance­ments seen in the Unit­ed States and across the globe! There is no bet­ter time than now to learn about and immerse your busi­ness with automa­tion! Con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives today: 7402414312 or online.

Hap­py Nation­al Robot­ics Week! Click here to find a cel­e­bra­tion event near you!

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