Changing the Manufacturing Industry with Robotic Sales Growth

Feb 25, 2015

Industrial robots are quickly becoming the difference that makes a company globally competitive. Robot sales have continued to steadily grow since their introduction into this world with no end in sight. Industrial robots bring around 30% in productivity boost to automation lines, so it is no surprise that integrators are choosing to convert from manual to automated processes.

Since the time of their inven­tion in the late 1950s, indus­tri­al robots have slow­ly but sure­ly gain­ing their place in the man­u­fac­tur­ing world. As a mat­ter of fact, they have con­tin­ued to steadi­ly gain their place since the 1980s. This growth in indus­tri­al robot­ic sales does not seem to be slow­ing down. As a mat­ter of fact, accord­ing to one recent study, it seems to be speed­ing up.Since the time of their inven­tion in the late 1950s, indus­tri­al robots have slow­ly but sure­ly gain­ing their place in the man­u­fac­tur­ing world. As a mat­ter of fact, they have con­tin­ued to steadi­ly gain their place since the 1980s. This growth in indus­tri­al robot­ic sales does not seem to be slow­ing down. As a mat­ter of fact, accord­ing to one recent study, it seems to be speed­ing up.

Accord­ing to the Boston Con­sult­ing Group (BCG), there will be a large boost in indus­tri­al robot­ics for man­u­fac­tur­ing – pos­si­bly a 30% boost over­all. The study also shows that this boost of robot­ics in the man­u­fac­tur­ing work­place will cut down on labor costs as much as 18 per­cent. The BCG study esti­mates that the growth is dri­ven by improve­ments in robot per­for­mance, along with their steadi­ly falling prices.

An arti­cle in Dri­ves N Con­trols from the UK stat­ed that the indus­tri­al robot pro­por­tion of man­u­fac­tur­ing tasks is cur­rent­ly only around 10%, but that num­ber has the abil­i­ty to rise expo­nen­tial­ly through­out the next decade, top­ping out at 25% in 2025. There are sev­er­al coun­tries that could improve their cost effec­tive­ness dra­mat­i­cal­ly by automat­ing now.

While prices of tra­di­tion­al robots are falling by a rate of almost 5% a year, in some cas­es, there are any entire new breed of robot out there as well. These robots are low­er cost and friend­ly to humans, which cuts down not only on price, but also on acci­dents in the work­place. That is not the only pos­i­tive effect. By inte­grat­ing robot­ics into your work­place, you are giv­ing your work­ers new mar­ketable labor skills.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about tra­di­tion­al new and refur­bished robot­ic mod­els for your facil­i­ty? If so, you should con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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