Avoid Mistakes When Purchasing Used Robots

Nov 30, 2017

With over 35 years of experience in the automation industry, Robots.com experts are able to easily provide the top 10 Common Purchasing Mistakes Companies Make. Recognizing the mistakes that could happen and then avoiding them will help provide customers the best reconditioned robot system on the market. Take a look at the reasons the experts at Robots.com have written to help guide you in the purchase of your next robotic system.


Top 10 Com­mon Pur­chas­ing Mis­takes Com­pa­nies Make:

Robots​.com rec­og­nizes these mis­takes and makes sure that we give cus­tomers the best recon­di­tioned robot sys­tems on the mar­ket. Many peo­ple can be fooled by a very low price tag. Review the below rea­sons why you should be very care­ful on the type of robot you are pur­chas­ing & who you are pur­chas­ing that robot from.

1. Buy­ing a robot sys­tem with­out warranty.

Make sure there is a war­ran­ty offered with the used sys­tem. A refur­bished robot sup­pli­er should offer a full war­ran­ty. Tech­ni­cal sup­port should be offered with the warranty.

Robots​.com includes a war­ran­ty with every robot we sell. Our tech­ni­cal sup­port lines are open Mon­day-Fri­day 8:00 AM — 4:30 PM , Cen­tral Stan­dard Time.

2. Buy­ing from an inex­pe­ri­enced dealer.

Robots​.com has been in the robot­ic indus­try for over 35+ years. Our expe­ri­enced sales and engi­neer­ing team knows how to iden­ti­fy the exact robot that is right for your automa­tion needs. We have sold thou­sands of robot sys­tems through­out North America. 

3. Buy­ing a robot from an auction.

This may appear to be a great bar­gain, but beware of the lack of war­ran­ty, no guar­an­tee that it will even pow­er up and the lack of past his­to­ry. The unit might not even have all the nec­es­sary parts when you get it, so there’s a great deal of risk when buy­ing from auc­tions. Auc­tions are often a has­sle because of the dis­tance required to attend and the prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with ship­ping arrange­ments. There are a num­ber of addi­tion­al fees asso­ci­at­ed with auc­tions. Buy­er pre­mi­ums alone range 13 – 15%. Obtain­ing autho­riza­tion for bid­ding is a nui­sance and occa­sion­al­ly near­ly impos­si­ble. Web auc­tions also fea­ture annoy­ing time delays that can cause you to lose an item by not reg­is­ter­ing your bid in time.

Robots​.com recon­di­tions all their refur­bished robot sys­tems, so our cus­tomers do not have to wor­ry about the longevi­ty of the robot. Our quotes offer a detailed list of costs asso­ci­at­ed with the pur­chase of the robot. Our sales team works with the cus­tomer to ensure they are get­ting the most effec­tive sys­tem for their bud­get. Each sys­tem is cus­tom-tai­lored to the needs of the indi­vid­ual customer.

4. Buy­ing a refur­bished robot from an online venue.

You will find many great bar­gains online, but beware of the lack of war­ran­ty, ser­vice, and sup­port you are get­ting with the robot. Plus, there is no guar­an­tee that the robot will work when you get it.

5. Ignor­ing the spare parts pol­i­cy of the supplier.

Some sup­pli­ers don’t offer a spare parts pol­i­cy with their refur­bished robot. Make sure to ask about parts exchange, and the sup­pli­er’s abil­i­ty to get the parts you need.

6. Choos­ing a ven­dor with­out look­ing at their ser­vice department.

Is the sup­pli­er capa­ble of ser­vic­ing the robot? Make sure that the refur­bished robot ven­dor is able to ser­vice your sys­tem before buy­ing it.

Robots​.com has an expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cal sup­port depart­ment that is on call for cus­tomer sup­port. We are ful­ly staffed with fac­to­ry-trained tech­ni­cians who are on call to answer any ques­tions that may arise. Our tech­ni­cal sup­port lines are open Mon­day-Fri­day 8:00 AM — 4:30 PM, East­ern Stan­dard Time.

7. Not requir­ing the robot to be reconditioned.

Buy­ing a used sys­tem that comes as is’ leaves a lot of room for error. There are many parts of a robot that need to be replaced after it has been in pro­duc­tion. A recon­di­tioned sys­tem will last far longer than a refur­bished robot that is sold as is.

Robots​.com takes great pride in our exten­sive ser­vice depart­ment. Every part of the robot is test­ed to dis­cov­er any exces­sive play in axes or repeata­bil­i­ty prob­lems. Each robot sys­tem is thor­ough­ly test­ed before it is ready for production.

8. Inher­it­ing some­one else’s robot issues.

Buy­ing a refur­bished robot sys­tem is much like buy­ing a used car. It is pos­si­ble to inher­it some­one else’s lemon. Indi­vid­u­als and auc­tion­eers are not like­ly to be forth­com­ing about pos­si­ble issues with a refur­bished robot either because of inex­pe­ri­ence or for per­son­al benefit.

Robots​.com offers robots that are recon­di­tioned and test­ed under load to ensure it meets OEM stan­dards of service.

9. Not check­ing the ven­dor’s resume.

There are many com­pa­nies out there that sell refur­bished robots but few of them have qual­i­fied tech­ni­cians that can real­ly help you when your robot is down, or you are hav­ing tech­ni­cal issues.

Robots​.com is ful­ly staffed with qual­i­ty engi­neers and tech­ni­cians that can help cus­tomers with any robot prob­lem. Our tech­ni­cians are qual­i­fied to help with any ques­tions that may arise. We are here to give train­ing and sup­port to our val­ued cus­tomers Mon­day-Fri­day 8:00 AM — 4:30 PM, Cen­tral Stan­dard Time.

10. No doc­u­men­ta­tion or train­ing included.

Many refur­bished robots are sold with­out any doc­u­men­ta­tion or train­ing, leav­ing it to the cus­tomer to find their own infor­ma­tion on the sys­tem and to seek out­side help in learn­ing how the robot sys­tem operates.

Robots​.com includes with every robot sold, man­u­als on how to oper­ate and pro­gram the robot. We know that the more informed our cus­tomers are on the oper­a­tion of a robot, the bet­ter they are at sup­port­ing their own needs and sched­ule, and the more sat­is­fied they will be with their purchase.

For more infor­ma­tion about our war­ranties, large inven­to­ry, ser­vice, and sup­port con­tact us at 8777626881 or reach experts online.

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