Arc Welding Robots Offer Reliable ROI

May 9, 2017

Arc welding robots bring increased speeds, reliability, savings, and safety to manufacturing lines across the globe. Furthermore, arc welding robots bring a very fast Return on Investment as these automation systems reduce downtime, product waste, and increase the overall throughput. experts have over 35 years of integration experience and look forward to working towards the integration process of your arc welding system.

Arc welding robots with ferris wheel positioner

Arc weld­ing robots offer many con­sid­er­able ben­e­fits to a pro­duc­tion line. First-time robot buy­ers may see arc weld­ing robots as intim­i­dat­ing and risky. While the ini­tial invest­ment may seem size-able, it dwin­dles in com­par­i­son to the finan­cial ben­e­fits of incor­po­rat­ing arc weld­ing robots. 

  • Speed: Arc weld­ing robots offer con­sis­tent­ly quick cycle times. This in turn can dra­mat­i­cal­ly increase your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, effi­cien­cy, and through­put over­all. One robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem can do the work of four welders. 
  • Reli­a­bil­i­ty: Arc weld­ing robots offer tremen­dous­ly accu­rate welds. High­er qual­i­ty welds improve over­all part quality.
  • Waste and Sup­plies: With arc weld­ing robots, less waste mate­r­i­al is cre­at­ed. Reduc­tion of sup­plies will also save your com­pa­ny considerably.
  • Safe­ty: Robot­ic arc weld­ing sys­tems take the brunt of the flash, sparks, etc. That means you save on insur­ance and avoid cost­ly accidents.

One of our best tools for cus­tomers to esti­mate when to expect a return on invest­ment is our easy to use ROI Cal­cu­la­tor. With a few sim­ple tasks and val­ues entered, you can see the true val­ue of adding a weld­ing robot to your pro­duc­tion line. You can also use this equa­tion to help con­fig­ure cost savings. 

ROI= [(x+y) 4‑z] t

x- welders rate per hour / y — equip­ment cost per hour / z — robot­ic sys­tem cost per hour / t — 2080 hrs per year.

Not sure which robot to pur­chase? Robots​.com has over 35 years inte­grat­ing weld­ing robots. We also offer both new and used mod­els from top brands like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA. We are here to walk you through the entire process and make the most knowl­edgable deci­sions for an opti­mized pro­duc­tion line. 

Con­tact Us Online — Call Direct­ly at 8777626881.

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